Friday, July 25, 2014

Primrose Cottage - Siding Disaster

Note to self: Do not use water-based glue to install future birch siding strips! At the end of my last post, I congratulated myself for a job quickly and well done. This morning I awoke to find the overlapping sides of the birch siding strips curled up like a layered flipped hairdo.

This picture does not show the awful detail - take my word for it, it's a mess. The only solution I can think of is to grab a scraper and peel this stuff off.  Dealing with a disaster sometimes result in new directions. Instead of a traditional cottage with siding, I will now have a traditional cottage with a stucco exterior.

Doing the exterior in stucco eliminates the need to smooth out rough surfaces left after removing the siding. Scraping off this siding is an unplanned job, I do not want to spend time or effort sanding. I have some fine sand in my stock of supplies so getting the textured exterior will only require adding sand to my paint choice. 

Repeat note to self - always use the correct adhesive for the product you are gluing. Following this simple rule will save time and money.

Happy Mini-ing!

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