Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Potting Shed 2

Still working on my little diversion. I enjoy working on a variety of projects at once. Probably not the best approach. This way, it seems as if it takes ages to totally complete any one project. But for now, at least until I complete the projects I've started this haphazard approach will do.

The shelves for the Potting Shed are completely  painted and installed.

The shingles were stained with a solution of water diluted acrylic paint. 

Lighting is provided by two LED's hidden under the front roof line.  To accommodate the LED light switch, a hole was cut into the wall panel. The hole needs trim, possibly very, very small quarter round.  

A shelf has been added to the window. Support bars are still needed on the sides. The wall shelves are staggered on this side to accommodate the potting bench.

Now that the shelves are in, I really want to start filling them up with all of the garden goodies one would expect to find in a potting shed and of course the little surprises that find there way into a shed but have absolutely no business being there.

Until next time - enjoy mini-ing.

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